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Friday 21 May 2010

UMNOs’ RM 48 million welfare funds does not reach poor Indians

Instead of enjoying their childhood like other children, two siblings have to limit their activities due to their medical conditions. Six-year-old M. Praveena and M. Yugendran have been confined indoors since birth.
How come UMNOs’ RM 48 Million in Welfare funds in the 2010 national budget does not reach the Indian poor.
Are the 1,016,799 UMNO’s racist Biro Tata Negara “graduates” are preventing these funds from reaching the Indian poor?
Basic welfare to the people is the duty of the government of the day. But why are the Indian poor forced to “bail” out another Indian poor? (Starmetro 19/5/10 at page M9)
P. Uthayakumar

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