This made headlines news in Tamil daily Malaysia Nanban front page news in Makkal Osai and news at page 14 in Tamil Nesan all today 4/5/10.
This news was also celebrated in The Star 4/5/2010 at page N6 and Sinar Harian page S19 and Utusan Malaysia at page 14 also on 4/5/10).
A round of smiling faces by the Ladang Escot Tamil school teachers and pupils. And for this and through the aforesaid media news UMNO and PKR expects the two million Indians to be thankful and grateful to them.
But what about the racism and injustices caused to this school teachers and pupils for 50 long years, just because they were the soft target Indians, shame on UMNO’s One Malaysia. Shame on PKR, DAP and PAS for never before making this an issue just because the victims were yet again the Indians.
Pray tell us of one Malay and Chinese school which was denied water supply for 50 long years! Just one!
But when we raise point out and expose this level of racism even the PKR Supremo accuses us of having a racist agenda. What a shrewd, sinister and convenient excuse to side step this height of UMNO racism, religious extremism and supremacy and the guilt by omission by PKR, DAP and PAS.
Until 8/3/2008 when we raise these injustices UMNO would shrewdly say that this is “sensitive”.
But UMNO has since 8/3/2008 almost stopped labelling it ’sensitive’, but only to be ably continued by 18 year standing ex UMNO stalwart Anwar Ibrahim by accusing Hindraf of having a racist agenda.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice.
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