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Friday 7 May 2010

Nazri calls Porntip liar, Malaysiakini should be cited for contempt?!

 By Nathaniel Tan,

Senior Federal Counsel Amarjeet Singh today urged a coroner’s court not to grant permission to commit cabinet minister Nazri Abdul Aziz to contempt proceedings as he claimed the application made was incomplete.
Amarjeet said for contempt proceedings, the court must be satisfied there is prima facie evidence.
He said in this application, the report in question was not produced and thus a proper charge of contempt against Nazri could not be framed.
Amarjeet, who represents the Attorney-General’s Chambers, argued that it was Malaysiakini which should be cited for contempt as the media outlet was allegedly interfering with the administration of justice.
“This is because they came out with the report,” Amarjeet said.
Okok, lemme get this straight.
Nazri calls witness Dr. Porntip a liar. Malaysiakini reports this. Malaysiakini should be cited for contempt of court.
Sigh. I suppose we cannot help but expect this logic from the state that gave us such hits as:
Ahmad Ismail said Chinese are pendatang. Tan Hoon Cheng reports this. Tan Hoon Cheng is arrested under ISA (for protective custody).

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