Indian elite would not speak up for the Indian poor? So wouldn’t the Malays and Chinese. Leading to present critical Indian problems.
Some six years ago during a meeting with the German Ambassador on the human rights violations against the ethnic minority Indians in Malaysia, the Ambassador had noted that NGOs’, Bar Council and Trade Union leaders were mostly led by Indians. So were most prominent lawyers, activists, doctors, journalist etc.
Our answer was Yes “But these Indian elite do not speak up for the poor Indians”!
Why go far. In about the latest and most glaring examples even the Indian led Bar Council did not call for an Emergency General Meeting (EGM) when four of their very own lawyers were detained under the ISA. But because they were “merely” the Indian lawyers, it did not matter.
But just a few moths later when even non lawyers Raja Petra, Teresa Kok and Sin Chew Jit Poh’s Tan were arrested under the ISA, the Malaysian Bar proactively reacted and within seven days and had called for an EGM. What does one make of this vis a vis the spillover effect of UMNOs’ racism in One Malay-sia.
And coupled with a few other pressure points from PKR, DAP, PAS, NGOs’, Malaysian civil society, media, etc, they were all released within two days, two weeks and Raja Petra within the fourth month or so.
But this level of care and pressure were never put for the four Indian lawyers.
The were left to languish in jail for 514 long days.
Thank god. If not for the consistent and persistent campaigns by the Indian poor masses, these lawyers would most likely still be languishing and rotting in UMNOs’ jail.
This Indian elite (see NST 11/5/2010 at page 2 & Berita Harian 11/5/2010 at page
During his tenure as the Bar Council President, UN International Rappourteur, Council member of the International Commission of Jurists and various other high profile international positions, he has championed just about any other public interest and human rights cause except where the victims are the ethnic minority Malaysian Indians. It does not matter that these Indians suffer from the worst cases of human rights violations. As if human rights is also not for the Indians!
He wants to rub shoulders with the Attorney General?
This is the tip of the iceberg of the Indian elite not wanting to speak up for the Indian poor is one of the main reasons for the pathetic and near helpless and hopeless critical Indian problems in Malaysia today.
Why? you may ask? :-
1) Inferiority complex syndrome
2) Minority complex syndrome
3) They want to play to the 90% majoritarian Malay, Chinese and natives gallery.
4) Their ‘cari makan” is this majoritian Malay and Chinese gallery.
5) They get to score far far bigger “political” points championing these Chinese, malay and natives majoritariam rights
6) They fear being branded as racist.
7) They fear the UMNO regime
9) They want to be seen as the “good and magnanimous” guys by refraining from speaking up for the Indian victims or speaking up for the closure of Tamil schools, quick to brand Indians as criminals and quick to point out the Indian shortcomings.
10) There is not a single Parliament or State Assembly constituency where the Indians are a majority vis a vis the Indians not having political power.
11) When they feel that they cannot fight UMNO, they go on a “self beating” mode.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice.
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