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Saturday 22 May 2010

Dato Subra, PKR, DAP and PAS Indian mandores doesn’t want Maika settled. Refuse to demand RM26 for RM1 share from UMNO

Public interest must prevail over especially personal political gains.
When PNB in 1981 started off with RM200 Million and in 2008 was worth RM76 Billion, ie a jump of 38,000%. How come Dato Subra, DAP, PKR and PAS Indian mandores namely, DCM II of Penang Ramasamy, MP M.Kulasegaran, A.Sivanesan, S.Manickavasagam, Gobalakrishnan, etc has never demanded that UMNO bail out Maika Holdings @ RM26 per RM1 share, as UMNO had bailed out PNB, MAS, MCA’s Multi Purpose Holdings, Perwaja Steel, Syarikat Perkapalan Nasional, BMF etc?
These MIC, PKR, DAP and PAS mandores refuse to do so, as with the solving of the Maika issue so will vanish their political capital against UMNO’s Chief mandore and dead horse Samy Vellu. But they keep flogging at this dead horse and never train their guns at UMNO because they fear a real solution to Maika Holdings.
Post Maika, they would find it very difficult to keep themselves politically afloat as there will be no major issues to flog Samy Velu with. But never mind the 64,000 or so poor Indians who had pawned their jewellery, sold their land and cattle and invested in Maika Holdings. HRP’s proposed RM26 per Maika shares would create about 64,000 instant quarter millionaires.
For these MIC, PKR, DAP and PAS Indian mandores, yet again personal political gains prevails over the general Indian public interest.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice
Dato SUbra

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