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Tuesday 25 May 2010

3,000 new taxi permits, 1% for Indians

Sinar Harian on 18/5/10 at page S 14 reported that the Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board has approved 3,000 new taxi permits for individuals in the Klang Valley from 13/7/09 to 31/12/2010 by advertising the same in the (Malay) press.
But the same has never been advertised in the three Tamil newspapers simply because UMNO has no intention to grant these taxi permits on a needs basis but only on a 1% quota basis or so wayang kulit.
The criteria is one must have at least four children, no criminal records and no JPJ or police summons.
But as usual under UMNO’s racist religious extremist and supremacist policies implemented by their 1,016,799 Biro Tatanegara civil service racist graduates they grant an estimated 1% of these permits to Indian taxi drivers, just for theatric wayang kulit.
P. Uthayakumar

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