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Wednesday 21 April 2010

UMNO: Zero Malay mee entrepreneurs 15 years ago, but thousands today. Zero Indian noodle (mee) entrepreneurs

url umno UMNO: Zero Malay mee entrepreneurs 15 years ago, but thousands today. Zero Indian noodle (mee) entrepreneurs.
Norlaile Jamaluddin started her mee business at a pasar malam seven years ago (UM (M) 19/4/10 at page 1). She got a RM 150,000 loan from Mara to buy a few machines to make koay tiew.
But this opportunity has been denied to Indians no matter how interested or how hardworking they may be.
No bank will give them a loan. No MARA will give them the loan expertise, training and follow up “service” on their new enterprise.
The UMNHO Entrepreneur Development Ministry has zero records of providing these opportunities to Indians.
P. Uthayakumar

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