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Saturday 3 April 2010

PKR Selangor estate workers denied Felda like land

99.9% of the 442,000 ten acre land ownership schemes in Felda, Felcra, Risda, Fama, Mardi, Agropolition schemes where the Malay settlers earn up to RM 4,000.00 per month (The Sun 2/4/2010 page 22), the Selangor equivalent of Felda has been denied to the Selangor Indians.

And now with the low wages given to foreigners (see Star Metro 2/4/2009 at page M9) and the rapid development in Selangor these unskilled Indian workers have been pushed out their estates and have become displaced

This PKR Menteri Besar in his two years rule has done zero to implement the Estate Workers Housing Scheme and to allocate Felda like ten acre land ownership schemes to the Indian poor. But for the (Malay Muslim) Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan Selangor 526 hectres of land had been alienated in Serendah (NST 2/2/2010 at page 13).

The least the Selangor PKR state Selangor government could do to undo the injustices of the 50 year UMNO rule in Selangor is to offer agricultural land to 1,000 poor Indians, and loans and provide assistance in animal husbandry.

This way 1,000 of the poorest Indians in Selangor could have a farm house, a decent livelihood and be raised out of poverty.

But PKR will never do this but when we raise this proposal for the Indian poor the PKR Supremo will say that this is the “Hindraf racist agenda”.

P. Uthayakumar

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