From 3.00 p.m. on 7/4/2010 the body of Raj Kumar Kutty, a practicing Hindu could not be cremated as the family was “ambushed” at the Templer Hindu cemetery just before the cremation. At first the family relented to Jakim as they said that they had to verify with their state Director.
The family then telephoned the N. Sembilan HRP and Hindraf who arrived at about 6.00 p.m. The MIC and DAP mandores were present but were doing their usual wayang kulit and playing to the gallery and the press.
In the meantime HRP’s Sivakumar had called for “back up” and within two hours about two hundred Hindraf people power force were at the cemetery. The deceased’s deed poll prepared by his lawyers in 1990 was of help as the family had claimed that Raj Kumar was a practicing Hindu.
Siva telephoned P. Uthayakumar who advised him to proceed with the hindu creamation in accordance with Article 11 of the Federal Constitution (Freedom of Religion) and not to allow UMNOs’ Jakim and the police force to bully them.
Accordingly Sivakumar who was at the ground picked up enough courage, told off the Jakim and police that they had waited long enough, the deceased young children were tired and hungry, and of the mental trauma on the family. He cited Article 11 of the Federal Constitution and proceeded to cremate the body.
The Hindraf people power youth cheered on and dispersed peacefully thereafter under the watchful eyes of the police and Jakim.
Sivakumar was the last man to leave the cemetery at about 11.30 p.m. Victory against UMNO’s bully tactics and religious extremism.
This level of religious extremism, body-snatching, a grotesque form of necrophilia, happens in very few countries including UMNO’s Malaysia. It does not even happen in the world’s largest muslim country, ie., Indonesia.
S. Jayathas
Information Chief
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