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Wednesday 7 April 2010

Najib denies 1 Malaysia concept originated from Israel

SINGAPORE, April 6 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the 1 Malaysia concept was an original idea and not copied from Israel or anywhere else in the world.

“It is purely mine and some of my colleagues together,” he told over 100 Singapore-based foreign journalists at a gala dinner organised by the Foreign Correspondents’ Association of Singapore here tonight.

Najib (picture) said the 1 Malaysian concept was a Malaysian one and he categorically denied claims by some people that it originated from Israel or other countries.

Recently, Pakatan Rakyat adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had claimed that Najib’s 1 Malaysia concept had similarities with the One Israel concept.

The prime minister said although the one concept was not new as many countries such as China used it to promote a sense of belonging or togetherness among its people, the 1 Malaysia concept went beyond that, that it was 1 Malaysia — People First, Performance Now.

Najib addressed the crowd for half an hour before taking questions from the floor for another 45 minutes.

The prime minister, who began by speaking at length on the 1 Malaysia concept, said upon helming the premiership, he realised that the Malaysian electorate wanted a massive transformation, and not in an incremental manner in the running of the country.

Najib said the tsunami in the 2008 general election, when the Barisan Nasional (BN) for the first time lost a two-thirds majority in Parliament, was an indication that the people wanted massive changes politically and economically.

He explained how the 1 Malaysia concept was conceived and its succeeding programmes came into being, such as the Government Transformation Programme, New Key Results Areas and the New Economic Model, which became the main pillars of the concept.

He said the concept was a guiding philosophy for his government to serve the people irrespective of race and culture, emphasising that the ultimate goal of any government was to serve the people. — Bernama

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