During the three hour meeting at the HRP Headquarters yesterday P. Uthayakumar had briefed the Common Interest Group, Malaysia (CIGMA) that the exclusion of the Indian poor from the national mainstream development of Malaysia by the UMNO controlled Malaysian government is literally from womb to tomb, beginning from an estimated 150,000 even fifth and sixth generation Malaysian born Indian children maliciously and deliberately being denied even their birth certificates.
They are also excluded from skills training colleges, elite MRSM, residential schools, universities, scholarships, to which Dr. Kitingan conceded that the East Malaysian natives do not really have a problem. Also civil service, GLCs’ and corporate sector especially senior positions, licences, permits, business opportunities, tenders and projects are almost wholly excluded to the Indians.
Uthayakumar also highlighted the fact that the poor Orang Asli, Iban, Kadazan and Malays are richer than the Indian poor as they have their ancestral land and villages. The Malays have their kampongs to fall back on. The east Malaysian natives have their ancestral lands to fall back on. The Chinese have their new villages to fall back on in difficult times. But the Indians do no have the luxury of these ancestral land or villages which acts as their social safety net.
The feeling of, at worst, having a hut over your head but in your own ancestral land is in itself and in effect adds on to the quality of life of these Orang Asli, Kadazan and Iban communities. Further these communities can open up as much unused land around their ancestral land and kampongs as they want for agricultural purposes with very little hindrance, which options are not at all available to the Indian poor. Within weeks, if not within days, their farm land buildings and cultivation activities would be forcibly stopped and their farm houses demolished by the local authorities or enforcement agencies.
The Indian poor have a fixed monthly cost of at least RM 400 or so being the rental they have to pay for their homes during the worst of times. The poor Indians do not have a village to go back to or fall back on as a social safety net. Whereas the poor Chinese have their Chinese New Villages to fall back on when in dire straits and make do until they recover.
The picture in today’s The Sun 15/4/2010 of a picturesque orang asli village in Hulu Selangor is testimony (see pictures below). These orang asli and East Malaysian poor like the Indian poor may be uneducated but they have the land base safety net and do not have the RM 400 per month commitment for the monthly rental.
The orang asli poor on top of having this non monthly payment commitment land and village safety net also have the traditional family and community support (See Sinarharian 16/4/10 at page N12 and BH 16/4/2010 at page 24 below). Which the poor Indians have lost or longer have. Almost all their relatives are more or less in the same predicament and are in no position to help their friends or relatives in despair. The orang asli have their Jabatan orang asli to watch over them the Malays have the Jabatan Zakat, Jakim, Welfare Departments, the Sabah and Sarawak natives have 25 + 31 MPs to speak up for them, the Chinese poor the business and corporate community. The Indians have no one except for the wayang kulit showed by MIC, PKR, DAP and PAS Indian mandores.
This tip of the iceberg example is as per The Sun on 13/4/2010 at page [ ], which reported that an Indian poor single parent with two children could not even afford to pay RM 124 per month rental and soon they would become homeless.
To all other poor in Malaysia including the Kadazan, Iban, Malay, Orang asli and even the Chinese poor the issue of slipping down the poverty line to being reduced to become homeless does not arise because they all have their kampongs, ancestral land, or the Chinese new villages.
So what options these poor Indians have? Suicide option? The suicide rate among the Indians is 600% higher than in the Malay community, and the single parent rate is 500% higher than in the Chinese community, all because of poverty, poverty related lack of opportunities.
But in our cities, almost all the “multi-racial” minded english educated elite Indians, let alone the Malays and Chinese or the UMNO led Malaysian government, refuse to acknowledge this matter, what more address at least this critical Indian problem. The middle class educated elite Indians are embarrassed that that their poorer cousins are discriminated and marginalised by the other races, who are their own working colleagues, or part of the system! They refuse to see the problem. Like the mamaks, they are embarrassed to be Indians and be associated with the problem of the community.
In a grotesque form of the Stockholm Syndrome, they praise and glorify the ones who demean and marginalise their very own poorer cousins, all in the name of a twisted and farcical understanding of multi-racialism and free competition.
Instead the blame their own poor cousins, advising that they should ‘work hard’, stop consuming alcohol, not to watch astro movies, etc. Such pedestrian, frivolous and pedantic advice shows their intellectual and moral bankruptcy, underlining that they do not understand the problem, that Indians do not have the opportunity to ‘work hard’ and succeed as they are denied land allocation, denied places in universities, denied scholarships, denied prospective employment and career advancement, denied loans, denied licenses and permits, denied the same credit terms in business as given to other races, denied and denied and denied!
Dr. Jeffry Kitingan raised the issue of HRP supporting Dato Zaid Ibrahim in the Hulu Selangor by elections. P. Uthayakumar had again reiterated HRP’s earlier position that the party will remain neutral unless the 98 Tamil schools in Selangor are all alienated ten acres of land each, and this is to be in black and white from the Selangor Menteri Besar.
P. Uthayakumar
..the poverty rate and hardcore poverty in 2004 among Indians was at 2.9 percent, 8.3 percent among Malays and 0.6 percent among the Chinese..
isu pendidikan. Adalah tidak adil untuk Sekolah Rendah Jenis Tamil menuntut peruntukan yang banyak sedangkan mereka hanya bertujuan untuk satu kaum sahaja. Kerajaan harus memberi tumpuan kepada sekolah kebangsaan yang merupakan sekolah utama negara. Tiada sesiapa pun yang menyekat anak-anak kaum India belajar di Sekolah Kebangsaan. Malah di sekolah kebangsaan mereka mendapat layanan yang sama rata samada dari segi pembelajaran, bantuan pelajar susah dan juga kelas tambahan.
Jika di Amerika Syarikat dahulu imigran dari Afrika berjuang untuk bersekolah bersama dengan kulit putih, malangnya di Malaysia kaum India berjuang untuk belajar secara berasingan.
Justeru adalah tidak munasabah kerajaan harus membantu sekolah-sekolah bercorak perkauman ini dengan peruntukan yang besar sedangkan sebahagian besar pelajar pergi ke sekolah kebangsaan.
Sekarang siapa yang perkauman?
I gotta agree. The natives are much mo luckier as they have their own ancestral land and villagers.
This is the consequences on concentrating on one race. Every race have the rights to enjoy privileges but then again, the Indian are not so lucky. They only have MPs who are "greedy" and "two-face".
It is sad to see the Indians lives in poverty without further much improvement.
The only thing that the Indians lack is a land to call of their own. Unlike the Chinese, the Orang Asli, Kadazan, Dusun and Malays have their own lands to live on.
With the word of "work hard" lies questions on "HOW" where they wer denied every privileges that other races receives.
This is a such sad situation for the Indians.
Pendapat saya tentang perkara ni.....rakyat pelbagai kaum, bangsa dan agama sepatutnya bersyukur kerana negara kita aman dan damai...dan isu-isu berkaitan ketidaksamaan harus jangan diperbesarkan! Jagalah hati kawan-kawan sesama kita yang berlainan agama, bangsa dan kaum.....bertimbang rasa, harmoni dan janganlah mencetuskan rasa tidak puas hati yang boleh menimbulkan perbalahan. Hargailah konsep 1 Malaysia...janganlah mewarkan-warkan isu 1 Malaysia ialah konsep 1 Israel! Boleh tanyakah...bukankah 1Borneo tu adalah punca kepada idea 1Malaysia??? Gurau ja...aaa
Ya betul juga lah ba, pandai2 la kita bersyukur seadanya...
Jgnlah terlalu fokus pada perbezaan nanti sakit hati akhirnya.. hehehe
kitakita ada itu 1Borneo punca dr idea 1Malaysia.. hahahhahahhahaha
Tapi fikir balik ada kaitan juga ba.. Tgok ja la di 1B tu berbilang kaum shopping di sana oo.. hehehee
kalau kerajaan bagi orang india tanah, bumiputera pula yang bising konon mengabaikan hak bumiputera.
...Penduduk estet merupakan pekerja kepada pihak swasta. Justeru adalah tanggungjawab pemilik estet atau ladang untuk menyediakan keadaan yang lebih baik, bukannya terus menuding jari kepada kerajaan. kalau orang cina boleh beli tanah kenapa orang india tidak? takkan mau dapat tanah free dari kerajaan.
Namun untuk menyatakan kerajaan tidak membantu langsung penduduk kaum India di estet adalah tidak benar. Misalnya kerajaan negeri Selangor mewujudkan Tabung pendidikan Anak-anak pekerja Ladang di Selangor. Tabung ini bertujuan memberi bantuan kepada anak-anak kaum India dari ladang dan estet melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang vokasional.
Malahan Dr. Mohamad Khir turut memperkenalkan Program Pembangunan Insan Berkemahiran Teknikal. Semua ini adalah program khas kerajaan negeri Selangor untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup kaum India. Pada 2006, seramai 152 belia India mengikuti kursus kemahiran dalam pelbagai bidang di INPENS International College, Pulau Indah dengan peruntukan yang disediakan kerajaan negeri sebanyak RM1 juta.
Aktivis Hindu yang menggambarkan Dr. Mohamad khir sebagai anti kaum India dan agama Hindu mungkin lupa bahawa di Selangor terdapat kuil hindu terbesar di Malaysia yang terletak di Batu Caves. Selangor juga merupakan negeri pertama yang memberi peruntukan kewangan kepada semua pertubuhan agama termasuk untuk agama Hindu...
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