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Friday 19 March 2010

No date for GST yet, says Najib

By Lee Wei Lian - The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, March 18 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak (picture) said today that the original 2011 deadline for GST implementation has not been confirmed yet and is dependent on buy-in from the public.

The Malaysian Insider had earlier reported that the implementation of GST has been put off till after the next general election.

“We don’t know yet (about the 2011 deadline),” he said at a press conference today. “We’re still talking to the people. What is important the buy-in from the rakyat.”

“We don’t know yet (about the 2011 deadline),” he said at a press conference today. “We’re still talking to the people. What is important is the buy-in from the rakyat.”

When pressed for a response to the details of the report which quoted sources as saying that GST has been delayed in order to ensure a “big win” for Barisan Nasional, Najib replied: “Everybody wants to win big.”

He bristled at a suggestion by a reporter that the uncertainty over the date of GST implementation was a “U-Turn” and added that his administration needed time to explain the GST proposal and get “good buy-in” and claimed the proposal has been distorted by “some people.”

“We’ve not decided on any particular date (for GST implementation),” he said. “What is important is that people don’t understand GST. Some people think it is an additional tax but it is not and replaces existing taxes. Unfortunately some people are spinning it around and causing concern.”

On a separate matter Najib said that he is not involved in the upcoming MCA elections and that non-interference is an important principle for him.

“I don’t know who is doing it,” he replied when asked about text messages being circulated that purportedly had him endorsing Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting who is running for MCA president. “I asked Ka Ting, he said no. It is a mystery where it came from. It could be reverse psychology.

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