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Wednesday 17 March 2010

Jealous man kills wife and hangs himself

The Star, Mar 16 2010

It was a tragic and violent end for a couple caught in a love triangle when the 41-year-old husband brutally murdered his wife before hanging himself at their home in Taman Seri Redan, Masjid Tanah, here. A. Ilangathil, a lorry driver, is believed to have slit the throat of his wife, N. Jayaletchumi, 38, and stabbed her while she was asleep in their bedroom before taking his own life.

Two of the couple’s four children were at home when the incident was believed to have happened between 10pm on Monday and 6.30am Tuesday.

Police recovered a two-page note written by the husband accusing his wife of infidelity and requesting that relatives take care of the couple’s children.

According to a close family member, the couple’s 15-year-old son noticed Ilangathil tying a rope near the dining hall’s air-well area next to the living room.

However, he was told by his father to mind his own business and go to bed when he asked about the rope.

At the time of the incident, only the 15-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter were at home as their 16-year-old sister was away in Seremban while their 13-year-old brother was staying with an uncle in Kampung Jeram, about 5km away.

The youngest daughter made the gruesome discovery when she woke up at 7am.

She and her distraught brother immediately sought help from neighbours who later informed their relatives.

When met at the scene, I. Thanesh, 13, said he was shocked over the loss of his parents as they did not argue much and their relationship seemed normal.

It is learnt that the couple, who were from Seremban, settled down in Malacca about four years ago. It is also learnt that the husband lost his job about a month ago.

State CID chief Asst Comm Mohd Adnan Abdullah said the case has been classified as murder-cum-suicide.

Police have recovered two knives and a rope from the scene. Both bodies were sent to the Malacca Hospital for post-mortem.

Based on initial investigations, ACP Mohd Adnan said jealously was the motive.

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