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Thursday 4 March 2010

Anwar needs to tackle problem at source

Political analyst Wong Chin Huat said power struggles within parties were a common occurrence but very seldom it would result in leaders leaving a party.

Written by Sharon Tan, The Edge

PKR can stem its loss of lawmakers only when its leadership tackles head on the root cause of all the unhappiness within its rank and file, said Universiti Sains Malaysia Associate Professor Dr P Sivamurugan.

He said PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim needed to remedy the party’s internal situation immediately to prevent more MPs from walking out.

“Anwar has to find out the root of the problem. He can’t blame others. He must look at the root of the problem and find solutions so that the party would not lose more numbers and the confidence of the supporters,” said Sivamurugan when contacted yesterday.

PKR has lost three members of parliament within two weeks. Bagan Serai MP Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri is the latest lawmaker to turn independent, following in the footsteps of Bayan Baru’s representative Datuk Zahrain Hashim and Nibong Tebal’s Tan Tee Beng.

PKR had earlier lost former Penanti assemblyman Mohamad Fairus Khairuddin, who has since joined Umno. The biggest blow to the party, however, was delivered by Datuk Salehuddin Hashim, who quit his post as secretary-general and later left the party.

Internal rivalry between the old guards and the newcomers was said to be among the issues plaguing the party.

“It is very much problems that have not been attended to by the party leadership,” said a party source, adding there had been no offer from Barisan Nasional to be linked to the problems.

Sivamurugan also said the problems had arisen partly due to the absence of a strong number two person in the party. “You cannot blame others if you are keeping your house in order,” he added.

Political analyst Wong Chin Huat said power struggles within parties were a common occurrence but very seldom it would result in leaders leaving a party.

“However, some may see that Anwar may not win his trial (against the sodomy charge), hence there is an erosion of chance of coming into power at the federal level, which then becomes a pull factor to exit,” said Wong.

Nonetheless, he said, if PKR and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) were able to maintain their confidence level, the number of the lawmakers walking out would be minimal.

With the exit of Mohsin Fadzli, PKR’s representation in parliament is down to 27 MPs, which means that DAP has a bigger representation at 28 MPs. While DAP and PAS have voiced their support for Anwar to continue as the opposition leader, he would continue in the role against parliamentary convention.

However, Sivamurugan said if Anwar relinquished the opposition leader role, PR would be weakened as it deemed Anwar as its prime minister-designate.

“If he relinquishes the position, PR will lose the confidence and the trust of the supporters,” he said.

Sivamurugan also said it would be interesting to watch the independent MPs, who could form a block in parliament when it resumes on March 15. The House would see the largest number of independent MPs ever, at six.

The independent MPs are Sabah Progressive Party’s (SAPP) Datuk Dr Chau Soon Bui (Tawau) and Datuk Eric Majimbun (Sepanggar), the ex-PKR trio and Datuk Ibrahim Ali, who contested in Pasir Mas on a PAS ticket.

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