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Thursday 25 March 2010

Amnesty: Migrant workers still being exploited

The Star
PETALING JAYA: Migrant workers here are still being exploited and abused, according to the latest report by Amnesty International.

The report stated that these workers were lured here with high salaries but continued to be “tricked” by their employers.

The 100-page report titled “Trapped - The Exploitation of Migrant Workers in Malaysia” stated that there was no truth to the job offers in terms of the pay and the type of work.

The report, released by Amnesty here yesterday, documents widespread abuses against migrant workers from Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines and Myanmar.

“We found that the workers faced common problems of unpaid wages, poor working conditions, long working hours, lack of off days over a long period of time and lack of medical care,” said report author and Amnesty policy director Michael Bochenek at the launch.

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