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Wednesday 24 February 2010

Senior Indian police officer denied promotion for eight years and almost quit.

Even in this real life story –a story whose purpose is to motivate others like the Police Officer Sasikala Subramaniam, it inadvertently comes out that she once considered quitting because she was not offered any promotions for eight years. Can you imagine why? Not very hard is it?

However every now and then you get, by unwitting admission, real life accounts in the media of how it works in real life - discrimination in almost all walks of life in our 1Malaysia .

As it stands there are only about 1% ethnic minority Malaysian Indians in the civil service down from about 50% in 1969 according to page 78 of Dr. Mahathir’s book, The Malay Dilemma.

This Indian police officer’s case of non promotion is just the tip of the iceberg of the non promotion of Indians in the Malay-sian civil service based on the complaints we have received. It is a fact that this level of racism, religious extremism and supremacy does not exist in any other part of the world expect in Malaysia.

Is this a basis for a truly progressive Malaysia.

P. Uthayakumar






1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My son wants to join the civil service. He wants to hold the highest post in the Malaysian police unit. He is an intelligent teenager. What do I tell him? No hope for him in his own soil or do I tell him to strive harder until he reaches his goal because one day the outlook of malaysian goverment and the malaysian people will chance. They will learn to accept all malaysian born as equal in opportunity and chances.

I think I will wait positively for the chance as my son will surely look handsome it his uniform.