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Friday 12 February 2010

PKR leaders say good riddance to Zahrain

By Neville Spykerman - The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 12 — PKR’s top leadership said today it was no surprise that Datuk Seri Zahrain Hashim resigned from the party.

“Not surprised at all, we were expecting it.” said party secretary- general Saifuddin Nasution.

He said they knew it was only a matter of time before the Bayan Baru MP left, after he expressed his unhappiness with Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and the PKR leadership.

Zahrain had previously called Lim a “chauvinist, dictator and communist-minded” and told reporters today he is beginning to have doubts about Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s leadership.

Saifuddin said PKR would come out of this stronger and its leadership will not let the party be affected by this sort of politics.

“PKR members will work harder to prove that it’s a capable and stronger opposition.”

PKR strategic director Chua Tian Chang, better known as Tian Chua, pointed out that Zahrain was facing disciplinary action to explain why he should not be sacked.

“As far the party is concern, opportunists who don’t share our vision can go. It’s better for us that they leave now.”

He added that the party had gone through many ups and downs in its 10-year history and Zahrain’s departure was nothing new.

Chua, who is Batu MP, said PKR had many other capable and credible people ready to move up its ranks.

Zahrain’s departure comes amid rumours that several other PKR MPs would quit before the Chinese Lunar New Year on Sunday.

Chua said he did not want to elaborate but he did say that the party would not be held to ransom by anybody.

PKR deputy president Dr Syed Hussein said “good riddance, the party will become stronger without him” when asked to comment about Zahrain’s resignation.

“This shows he did not dare face the party’s disciplinary board,”

Syed added other opportunists in PKR who wanted to leave “can join Zahrain.”

Party vice-president R. Sivarasa asaid it was quite clear Zahrain left because he did not want to face the party’s disciplinary board.

“It also shows he did not have any basis for making his allegations.” said the Subang MP who added that voters will reject Zahrain in the next elections.

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