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Monday 15 February 2010

Perception versus perception

Let me close by giving you a hint. The ‘secret weapon’ Umno is deploying is called JASA and is headed by Fuad Hassan, IGP Musa Hassan’s brother. Now, can the opposition please do some work for a change and look into this. Surely you do not expect Malaysia Today to do all your work for you?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

In case many of you do not quite understand what is presently going on in Malaysia, allow me to enlighten you. Malaysia is going through a civil war. Yes, a civil war. But while other countries fight their civil wars with guns, we fight ours in the sphere of perception. But it is still a civil war of sorts, only without blood spilled on the streets.

Say what you like but there is a revolution going on. And the populace are revolting against their government. But the populace have wisely chosen the ballot to the bullet. “Pilihan raya dan bukan pilihan jalan raya,” as Hishamuddin Rais would say -- meaning elections to the choice of the streets.

The British, in their wisdom, taught us how to fight this kind of war. Bullets will not defeat the Communists, said our British colonial master. We need to win against the Communists by winning the hearts and minds of the people. We have to make the people reject Communism. And the British succeeded. It was a brilliant strategy. Communism was defeated because the people rejected it, not because the British had more guns than the Communist Terrorists.

And this is the civil war currently being fought in Malaysia, just like the civil war during the Malayan Emergency.

By the way, it was called the Malayan Emergency and not the Malayan Civil War because if they had called it a war instead of an emergency then the insurance companies would not pay for the damages suffered by the British companies. The Communist Terrorists were bombing government installations and British properties. But if these were losses suffered in a war then the insurance would not cover these loses. So they called it an emergency instead.

So Malaysia is actually now on war footing. But there are no guns being fired or properties being bombed. It is a war of perception. It is perception versus perception. And it is a war being fought between the ruling coalition called Barisan Nasional and the opposition coalition called Pakatan Rakyat.

Wars comprise of many battles. It is not just one big battle. Even the invasion of Normandy was many battles being fought all over the place. You may win some battles and you may lose some. But, in the end, the accumulation of the many battles that you win decides on the victor.

In a war of perception you must trigger many issues at the same time. This is like engaging in many battles simultaneously. And you attack each target and continue to attack until your target falls.

Now, let us translate this to what is currently going on.

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is of course the first target (like Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Dr Mahathir Mohamad were before him). The perception about Najib is that he is linked to the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu, one way or another, directly or indirectly. And that has already been achieved. Very few Malaysians, even those in Umno, would say he is not somehow linked to Altantuya’s murder, or at least had some relationship with her.

Many believe he not only personally knew Altantuya but actually had a sexual relationship with her as well. They also believe that the photograph of Najib, Altantuya and Razak Baginda does exist and that the Honorary Mongolian Consul to Malaysia, Syed Abdul Rahman Alhabshi, gave the photograph to the police.

We must remember that in the early days of the incident Syed Rahman gave press conferences and whacked the police and accused them of not conducting a proper investigation. Syed Rahman told many people many things about the case, which he probably regrets doing now.

The fact that Syed Rahman has been given a RM500 million project just strengthens the belief that he has been bought off. That is the perception and this perception is not going to change whatever he might do or say.

Razak Baginda’s Statutory Declaration, that was accepted by the court, and which resulted in him being acquitted of murder, clearly says that he never knew Sirul or Azilah until Najib’s ADC, Musa Safri, arranged for them to meet. The court has accepted this statement. And that was why the court acquitted Razak of murder.

So Najib’s ADC, Musa Safri, set the whole thing up and that resulted in Altantuya being murdered.

Then we have Najib’s Special Officer, Nasir Safar, who was there when Sirul and Azilah picked up Altantuya in front of Razak’s house. Private investigator Bala has confirmed this and he told the police about it. But the police immediately brushed it aside and said it was just a resident from around there without further investigating the matter.

So Najib’s Special Officer, Nasir Safar, was also involved. And that makes two very close aides of Najib who are directly linked to the murder.

As far as perception goes, Najib’s has lost the war. Go and do an independent survey if you wish. Just poll Malaysians at random and the majority would tell you that they believe Najib either knew Altantuya, had sex with her, or is directly or indirectly involved in her murder.

In the perception war Najib has been defeated. And there is nothing he can do or say to restore his fallen image.

Okay, next target is Najib’s wife, Rosmah Mansor. In the sphere of perception, Rosmah is seen a bitch. However, ironically enough, this is her own doing rather than because the opposition attacked her.

There are so many stories floating around about her. One story concerns four retired generals going to her house to meet Najib. She came out and asked them whether they want to meet Najib about politics or business. They asked what difference would it make and she replied that if they want to meet Najib about politics then he will be out in a short while but if it is about business then they are to talk to her and not to Najib.

This story is well known amongst the military personnel.

The next story is about her shopping spree in Paris where she spent RM200,000 in just one day. Now, the icing on the cake is that Altantuya was with her that day and she was helping Rosmah carry all her things including her credit cards and whatnot.

Quite a number of Malaysian Embassy staff members were also there to help Rosmah carry her stuff (RM200,000 in shopping is a lot of stuff) so this story has spread amongst the diplomatic community.

In 2008 she was in Indonesia to attend to bank function. As she strutted to the main table like a queen, walking behind her was her lady-in-waiting holding a cushion. The lady-in-waiting then placed the cushion on the chair before Rosmah sat down. Even the Raja Permaisuri Agong does not get this kind of treatment.

Invariably, since it was a Malaysian bank function, the place was crowded with Malaysians and they all felt like throwing up. They not only felt so embarrassed but nauseous as well.

Then remember her trip to China, which she gave an interview about? In her interview she grumbled that Najib left her all alone in her room while he attended to matters of state. She got so pissed off that she told Najib to send her back to Malaysia. Since he is so busy and has no time for her then send her home.

This was what she admitted in her newspaper interview.

And recently she went to India with Najib. They had planned all sorts of programs for her in Chennai but she stayed in her room and refused to come out. Chennai is so filthy, she said, so she refuses to leave her room. “Why are Indians so dirty?” she exasperatingly told her aides.

This latest foot-in-the-mouth is currently being much talked about amongst diplomatic circles. So, as I said, most damage to Rosmah is being done by her herself. The opposition does not need to raise any issues. She volunteers all the ammunition needed to win the perception war.

As far as Najib and Rosmah are concerned, they have absolutely lost the perception war. Then we come to Umno and Barisan Nasional. The things that Umno and Barisan Nasional have done, and are continuing to do, are hurting them bad. The opposition does not need to be clever in defeating Umno and Barisan Nasional. All the opposition needs to do is to not make any mistakes. Umno and Barisan Nasional are on self-destruct mode and are shooting themselves in their own feet. They can never win the perception war.

What about the perception regarding Anwar Ibrahim and the opposition? Now that is a problem as well. The government is trying to give the perception that Anwar is guilty of sodomy. That has failed miserably. Very few believe Anwar is guilty. In fact, they believe that Anwar is a victim of a frame up. It does not matter what the court says. To most Malaysians Anwar is innocent.

Nevertheless, many believe that Anwar is not a good manager and they blame many of the problems in the opposition, in particular in PKR, on Anwar’s lack of action. They feel that had Anwar been firmer then many problems could have been nipped in the bud. So, in a way, Anwar is the cause of all these problems mainly because he did nothing to prevent them from happening.

As for the rest of the opposition they are divided about what the real problem is. Some accept the fact that the opposition never thought it would do that well on 8 March 2008. So the opposition did not choose its candidates carefully. And now these low quality candidates, in particular those ex-Umno people and candidates who put personal interests above the interests of the voters, have shown their true colours.

The voters understand that it was very difficult for the opposition to attract good candidates, especially when no one thought it would do that well in the elections. So the voters are prepared to give the opposition a second chance. In the next general election, if the opposition fields better candidates, the voters will again vote for the opposition. But this time they will vote against Barisan Nasional not because they hate the ruling party but because they have confidence that the opposition can do better.

This second chance is actually the last chance for the opposition. Either they make it this time around or they will never make it in this generation. If the opposition fails to win the hearts and minds of the people come the next election then it would be lost for good. There is no third chance. We would have to wait 30 years or so for the next generation of voters before the people would dare another experiment in changing the government.

As I said, Umno and Barisan Nasional are contributing to the opposition cause by making so many mistakes. And they are continuing to make these mistakes even as you read this. So the opposition need not try too hard. The opposition is already winning the perception war. All the opposition needs to do is to not also make so many mistakes.

What mistakes are the opposition making and what should they do about it? Well, I have already written about that at length so I do not wish to repeat myself. Anwar knows what they are. All the opposition leaders know what they are. You and I also know what they are. Just stop making these mistakes is all we ask of the opposition. And if you do that then we shall be marching into Putrajaya come the next general election.

Oh, and by the way, do not think that Umno is not doing anything about their defeat in the perception war. They are aware that they have lost the perception war and they are putting into place certain plans to regain lost territory. I know what they are but it is still too early for me to reveal all.

Let me close by giving you a hint. The ‘secret weapon’ Umno is deploying is called JASA and is headed by Fuad Hassan, IGP Musa Hassan’s brother. Now, can the opposition please do some work for a change and look into this. Surely you do not expect Malaysia Today to do all your work for you?

Till we talk again, let’s keep bashing until we see the destruction of Umno and Barisan Nasional.

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