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Sunday 3 January 2010

Makkal Sakti eyes 300,000 membership mark in 2010

SHAH ALAM, Jan 3 — The eight-month-old Malaysia Makkal Sakti Party aims to increase its membership by 300,000, from 57,000 currently, by end of this year.

Party founder and national president, R.S. Thanenthiran, said extensive programmes to recruit members would be planned this year including through online sites and web blogs before the next general election.

“We predict that the party will have 300,000 members by year-end, mostly youths, going by ground sentiments. Given the time-frame and encouraging response, we are quite confident that we can achieve the target. We will be moving towards this goal throughout this year ,” he told Bernama in an interview recently.

Makkal Sakti party, formed in May, was launched by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on Oct 10 2009.

Thanenthiran said that about 60 per cent of the total 57,000 members of the party had not been registered as voters and that he would be working closely with the Election Commission to get them registered.

He also suggested that the government amend marriage laws to make it compulsory for non-Muslims to attend pre-marriage counselling classes.

“Couples must now be trained to know their responsibilities and duties before getting a marriage certificate,” he said, adding that he was planning to set up a pre-marriage counselling centre by this year.

Meanwhile, Thanenthiran said several quarters within Makkal Sakti were going against the party’s constitution by attempting to convene an extraordinary general meeting in 90 days to elect a new president.

“Some quarters within the party are going against members’ wishes and trying to interpret the constitution according to their personal interests and benefit (to remove the current president),” he said, adding he would not budge on such actions.

Recently, party secretary-general, R. Kannan, was quoted as saying that an EGM had to be held as members felt the Makkal Sakti party was lifeless under the leadership of Thanenthiran.

He had claimed that since it was formed, the party had not organised activities for members and failed to serve the people, especially the Indian community. — Bernama

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