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Saturday 30 January 2010

DAP guns for Zahrain over Guan Eng slur

PENANG, Jan 30 — The Penang DAP is baying for PKR Penang leader Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohd Hashim’s blood and will reveal that personal issues are behind the Bayan Baru MP calling Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng a “dictator, a chauvinist and communist-minded”.

Several top DAP leaders are today expected to detail the reasons behind Zahrain ratcheting his simmering feud with Lim, whose aides say has preferred to keep silent to preserve unity and stability within the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) state government.

Among the reasons are Lim’s (picture) decision last year for an open tender for the maintenance of the state-owned Bukit Jambul Golf and Country Club of which Zahrain is the president. It is learnt that the chief minister asked for an open tender after a RM2 company linked to Zahrain had sought the contract.

“Zahrain has provoked the DAP without just cause and some leaders will make public his motivations,” a senior DAP leader told The Malaysian Insider.

It is understood that Tanjong MP Chow Kon Yeow will call a press conference today over Zahrain’s outburst against Lim that was carried by The Star daily.

In the report, Zahrain (picture) who is the former state PKR chairman, said PR should not compromise with the leader who is from Malacca as Lim had failed to deliver its general election promises.

Zahrain said among the election promises that were not kept were the introduction of local council election and an open tender system.

“Lim may be reluctant to push for local council election because it will diminish his power if Penangites use that as an avenue to pass verdict on the state’s performance.

“He also promised an open tender system, but he has made the process worse by personally chairing the tender board,” he said, adding that there was better check and balance during Barisan Nasional’s rule.

Zahrain, who was once in Umno, also said when he criticised Lim for his dictatorial ways of managing the state, he was accused of being an Umno agent.

“I am certainly not an Umno agent. I just do not want to see PR going against its promises,” he said. “It is a shame for PR and its principles when projects are awarded based on who knows who.”

Lim has continued to remain silent on Zahrain’s attack, leaving Deputy Chief Minister and state PKR chief Dr Mansor Othman to comment on the matter yesterday.

“The words were uncalled for and I regret his statement. That is certainly not the way to address our fellow partners in PR,” he said and declined to elaborate further.

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