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Friday 25 December 2009

Samy Vellu Denies MIC Failed To Register New Voters

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 24 (Bernama) -- MIC president Datuk Seri S.Samy Vellu said it was not true that the MIC does strive to register youths as new voters.

While rejecting a statement by the Election Commission (EC) yesterday that the MIC failed to register new voters in Penang and Selangor in October, he said the EC may not have understood MIC's process to register voters all this while.

He said it was not necessary to register new voters through the Assistant Registrar appointed by the EC.

"The registration of new voters is done by each MIC branch by identifying both members and non-members of MIC who are not voters. The first step is to register youth who have turned 21 years of age as MIC members and ask them to register as voters with the EC," Samy Vellu said in a statement here on Thursday.

He said the process by the party to register new voters was done via campaigns carried out by each MIC branch with the assistance of the EC's mobile office.

He said recently the party headquarters had directed each MIC branch to carry out a process to register new voters every six months and this had been made been known through several local newspapers.

"It is not true to allege that the MIC was not agressive in registering new voters based only on data for October 2009. The EC should see the whole picture without depending on data from the EC Assistant Registrar alone," he said.

He said many of the MIC's new voter registration programmes were done indirectly by involving EC officers without the EC Assistant Registrar channel.

Samy Vellu said the MIC could not only depend on the Assistant Registrar appointed by the EC from among MIC members to register new voters.

He said the MIC not only assisted in registering new voters who had turned 21 years of age but also all Indians who were not voters yet.


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