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Monday 28 December 2009

A piece of Ethopia in Malaysian Indians. Compliments from UMNO.

Poverty striken single Indian parent Mageswari (33) and her impoverished four children’s picture speaks a thousand words. They are aged a mere 8 months, 4, 7, and 8 years old. But UMNO will never give this poor Indian family the ten acre land ownership schemes in Felda, Felcra, Risda, Fama, Agropolition or the scores of livestock land schemes especially cow and goat rearing land schemes however poor or deserving these Indians are. Instead to add insult to injury the UMNO Welfare Department has reduced Mageswari’s welfare help to mere RM 100.00 per month “as she is living below the poverty level”.

This RM 100.00 per month welfare help would not even be enough to buy pampers for Mageswari’s 8 month old baby.

But then again this is the implementation scheme by UMNO’s Biro Tata Negara “graduates”.

P. Uthayakumar.


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