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Monday 21 December 2009

Arrest of 2 distributing flyers on Anwar’s case displays severe insecurity

by Nathaniel Tan

I always get so incredibly irritated when cops arrest people for stupid reasons.

The two PKR Youth leaders detained by police here yesterday for circulating leaflets alleged to be seditious have been placed on remand for three days beginning today.

They were arrested after Friday prayers at a mosque here while circulating leaflets calling on the Kuala Lumpur Syariah Court to expedite hearing of the sodomy case involving PKR advisor Anwar Ibrahim.

I mean, what for goodness sake is seditious about flyers asking for a trial to be expedited?? What exactly is the need to hold them for 3 days again??

Such trigger happy tendencies display an over-sensitivity that I can only attribute to ridiculous levels of government insecurity over the way it is running the country, and levelling unbelievable criminal charges against political opponents.

Next thing I know, I’ll be hauled up because my book has a picture of Altantuya on it :P

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