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Thursday 5 November 2009

Muhyiddin Yassin says we're all equal under the sun. There are no first class, no second class citizens. What do you think?

News Item from NST of 2nd Nov2009. Quote “PORT DICKSON: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yesterday reiterated that there is no such thing as a first or second-class citizen in the country and that all citizens have equal rights. He stressed that the government would continue to ensure fairness and equality for a]] as stated in the Federal Constitution and uphold all the principles of the Rukun Negara.
“No Malaysian should feel neglected as every individual, regardless of race or religion and whether he lives in town or the oulsldrts, enjoys the same rights and privileges.There is no segregation of race or status here and there is certainly no such thing as a fIrst or second-class citizen,” he said at the national-level Deepavali open house at Ladang Siliau near here.

…………………….” Unquote.

What liars these UMNO politicians are.

Now let him try and explain these situations:

A central feature of our system is our categorization into Bumiputras, Chinese, Indians and Others from birth to death.Everywhere we go we have to declare Bangsa, Ugama – at birth, at school registration, in all the applications we make, at marriage, at death and in many many more situations. Why do we need to do this if we are all equal under the sun?

Houses are sold with a 5% discount to the bumiputras. Why do we need to do this if we are all equal under the sun? And there is no first and second class of citizens?

In several housing areas State Consent is required if one wants to sell the property especially if it is in a predominantly Malay area. It is quicker to get consent for inter Bumiputra sale than it is for a sale across the Bumiputra /Non-Bumiputra divide. Why do we need to do this if we are all equal under the sun?

The bureaucracy is entirely made up of Bumiputras – a million and more of them. The Police force is almost entirely Malay, the Armed forces are almost entirely Malay. How can this happen if we are all equal under the sun?

Most Government businesses are off limits to non- Malays. There is a complete system of screening vendors that limits vendors to almost entirely Bumiputras. How can this happen if we are all equal under the sun? And he says there is no first and second class of citizens?

Business licences are largely awarded to Malays or must have mandatory minimum Malay participation – Bank Licences, Educational Institutions Licences, Permits in the Transportation businesses and so many more. How can this happen if we are all equal under the sun? And he says there is no first and second class of citizens?

Participation in all government development schemes are entirely for Malays – MARA, FELDA, FELCRA, RISDA, PERDA, KESEDAR, KEJORA to name just a few. How can this happen if we are all equal under the sun?
Educational opportunities in Public Educational Institutions are grossly in favour of Malays. How many places in Universities for Indians, how many scholarships to Indians. How many MARA institutions for Indians? How can this happen if we are all equal under the sun? And yet he says there is no first and second class of citizens?

I can go on like this. However the point is abundantly clear.UMNO and its leaders weave illusions and dreams for the Indians . They only want the Indian votes. They do not care two hoots what really happens to the Indians. They want us to be the coolies and third class citrizens. They have no interetst in making us equals. So while they put the Indians under delusion they are busy usurping the resources of the entire nation .

We have to wake up - we have to stop stop believing the lies of UMNO and begin work to totally throw them out of power. It is only when they are thrown out of power can we have a chance at becoming equal under the sun. With UMNO in the seat of power all we can have are dreams. That’s all.

The lying must stop and UMNO has to go. Our people must stop believing the lies and we as the middle class have a role to play to make it clearer to the poor and vulnerable who the real nemesis of the Indians are - UMNO, not anybody else. Everybody else are at best collaborators with UMNO. We must start doing this by first getting clear ourselves, and then we need to get the rest of the Indian community real clear about this one point. We have to severely combat the lies of UMNO and all its organs of control.

United we must stand………..United we must act.


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