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Friday 9 October 2009

Who stands up for the 4 youths killed by the police the other day? Why do we have these incidents in the first place?

The police can shoot and kill anyone and then call them criminals to justify their shooting. This is inspite of the fact that the police are indeed a law unto themselves, as a result of which they render our country lawless. Never mind, I give you all that.

Now consider this - The Indian boys who were shot in Kulim the other day, were from the age group of 20-29. Once the Human Resource Minister Dr.Subramaniam said 200,000 Indian youths are involved in crime. The number of Indian youth in the age group 15 -29 years is 35% of the total Indian population (of 1,800,000) or about 630,000. Let us assume a male female ratio is 50/50. That will make it 315,000 male Indian youths in this category. Let us also make an assumption that most of those involved in criminal activities are males - say 90%.

There are therefore 180,000 Indian male youths out of 315,000 who are involved in crime. That is about 60% of the Indian male youth in the population. That is for now 2009, what about the children they are going to have and their grandchildren. What is going to be the net the impact on the Indian community as a whole in the next 50 years. Not a bright future for the coming generations of Indians in the country, is it?

These young chaps were born between 1980-1989 not very long ago. They were born into circumstances that led them to crime. Just what are these circumstances that lead to crime, why do we have these circumstances,. why do these circumstances persist and who is doing something to turn this situation around - who? UMNO, MIC, PKR,DAP,PAS ?

Don't you think that any Party that wants to provide leadership for the Indian community must deal with this extremely serious problem, head-on. This is directly a result of the governing policies of the last 50+years. These policies must change, we do not want a repeat. Shooting our way out is not an answer at all. If that is the answer , it means potentially shooting 60% of our Indian youths to rid ourselves of the problem of crime. But then again, will the problem go away. The processes in society that breed crime remain, so more will be produced to replace those that have been shot and killed. On top of all that , there is a concerted effort to keep Indians ignorant and confused about the root causes of this misery. The killing will continue, until we all understand the real causes and begin to hold the people who govern this country accountable for these problems.

HRP is the first Indian based Political party, a wing of Hindraf, that has dared to stand up and ask for this accountability in very clear and no nonsense terms.. Let us understand that this is what they are trying to do. And they are just beginning. Let us all support their efforts. They are our hope for a better future in this country.There is no other way. There just is no other way for all of us Indians in this country. Unless some among us are willing to sacrifice. Hindraf/HRP leaders have shown they will sacrifice for the rest of us. Let us all now strongly support them.

“ It is by the struggles of the weak, made under compulsion, to resist the reign of force and wrong that we secure, extend and preserve justice"

United we stand
United we act

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