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Monday 12 October 2009

Umno & The 'Hainanese Jinx'

The NST today runs an interesting story on the outcome of MCA EGM by Eileen Ng, titled: Party rejects 'kangkung' duo.

Interesting, it's because of the paragraphs on some sort of tribal jinx, if Eileen's story is anything to go by:

The EGM's results showed that the biggest loser was Ong, whose loss set tongues wagging that the Hainanese jinx had struck again.

In the party's long history, no Hainanese president had fared well. Tan Koon Swan's reign as president in the mid-1980s came to an end seven months later when he was jailed for criminal breach of trust.

Ong, meanwhile, is a week shy of his one-year anniversary as president.

Screenshots takes no position on this, though.

Many a wish come true

To be frank, I have to salute MCA delegates for displaying a high degree of conviction to the democratic spirit and process in determining the fate of the party, and its leaders.

By their votes, both Tee Keat and Soi Lek have had their wish come true -- Tee Keat will not have Soi Lek as his deputy, and Soi Lek can for sure die an MCA man.

But the biggest winner is Umno. The BN taiko can now remove a thorn in the PKFZ flesh without having to move a finger.

U, Must Not Oppose. Hadn't Koon Swan learnt it well from Mahathir before?

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