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Friday 16 October 2009

Surprises At MCA CC "Pow Wow"

By Alan Ting

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 14 (Bernama) -- The MCA's central committee meeting (CC) here on Thursday sprang another round of surprises when party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat decided to call for another Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to decide whether the party should hold fresh elections.

After five hours of bargaining by the party's powerful body, a clearer picture has emerged. It appears that the CC is now split into three groups -- Ong's loyalists, splinter group of Ong's faction led by Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek's supporters.

There are 45 members in the CC, including eight appointed by the president.

The majority of them were said to be previously aligned to Ong.

It is rumoured that Ong was allegedly asked to step down immediately at today's meeting on the basis that about 20 CC members, including two vice-presidents along with other party office bearers as well as some elected and appointed CC membershad signed a joint letter asking him to do so.

They had signed the letter last night during a meeting called by one of the four vice presidents at a hotel near the party headquarters.

"Two of the four VPs did not sign. Others who were present signed. It was really a mutiny from within. What was interesting was that none of Dr Chua's supporters in the CC signed," an insider told Bernama.

The same insider said Ong even commended Dr Chua's supporters for being "much more principled" by choosing not to sign the letter.

Loh Seng Kok, one of the CC members who previously supported Dr Chua, said today's meeting was actually a battle between Ong's supporters and his former followers.

Loh said Dr Chua's group just wanted fresh elections so that it would be a fair fight.

Party insiders said Ong explained during the meeting that since the outcome of Saturday's EGM was inconclusive and the grassroots were divided, the best way out was to seek fresh elections.

Ong also explained that the disciplinary action against Dr Chua was a collective decision by the Presidential Council (PC) and CC and since it was overturned by the delegates, the CC would also have to seek a fresh mandate.

Ong then decided to direct MCA secretary-general Datuk Wong Foon Ming to call for an EGM under Article 30.1 of the MCA constitution to decide whether the party should hold fresh polls for the CC, insiders said.

A party grassroot leader, who declined to be identified, said Ong had emerged as the clear winner at today's meeting when he used the EGM as his trump card to turn the table against his detractors as most of the CC members opposing him were reluctant to seek a fresh mandate.

"This is really like Brutus failing to stab Caesar. Ong has outmanoeuvered them in Round 2 after losing Round 1," he said.

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