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Friday 23 October 2009

Pairin Returned Unopposed As PBS President

KOTA KINABALU, Oct 22 (Bernama) - Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin Kitingan has been returned unopposed as Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president for another three years following nominations from 55 out of 60 party divisions in Sabah.

Announcing this on Thursday, PBS information chief Johnny Mositun said nominations were not received from five divisions because they could not hold their annual general meetings for this year.

Also returned unopposed were the two deputy presidents, Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili for the non-Muslim Bumiputera quota, and Dr Yee Moh Chai representing the Chinese members in the party.

However, Mositun said the deputy president post for the Muslim quota would probably see a contest after incumbent A. K. Aliudin, vice president Rakam Sijim, incumbent youth chief Datuk Jahid Jahim and supreme council member Almudin Kaida garnered enough nominations to vie for the post.

He said Jahid was also nominated for the youth movement post, paving the way for a straight fight with deputy treasurer cum Liawan Division chief Jake Nointin.

"Jahid can only contest for one post so he will have to make a decision by Oct 27 which is the closing date for accepting the nomination. We will be able to know the line up on Oct 28," he said.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is expected to officiate the PBS triennial congress scheduled for Nov 7.

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