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Wednesday 7 October 2009

MIED's not walking away

By Rocky's Bru,

Palani blogs. Before politics, the MIC deputy president, G. Palanivel, was a Bernama journalist. We worked quite closely together when he was the press secretary for S. Samy Vellu, who was the Works Minister back then.
If Palani's concerned or unhappy about the way the mainstream media are treating his boss with regards to issues affecting the party and the Indian community (the latest being Samy's purported intention to "hijack" the Maju Institute of Educational Development or MIED), he's handling it well. No table and chest thumping from this man. This morning, he merely sms-ed me to say that he has posted his views on the MIED issue on his blog h e r e and asked me to read it when I have the time.

Another blogger just added to my blogroll is Lim Kok Wing. His latest posting here warns Malaysia that it will continue to lose its best if the system continues to ignore its wealth of talent.

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