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Saturday 10 October 2009


Its not that we have not interacted with the Indian Community. At every opportunity, over lunch or tea-breaks, when we chance on a group of Indians, Alan, Colin and I would approach them. And it is the same with most MIC people we meet: Their stock answers goes like these - Maybe Isa has changed; he has promised many things; he has given us money (RM100) sari and muruku flour, besides hampers; we do not know why UMNO chose him but Sothi says we vote for him; he is corrupt but what to do, MIC is in Barisan; (and here is a gem from one businessman) if we dont vote BN they may not cut the grass; Uthuyakumar told us to boycott the by-election. These are the stock answers we have been getting.

Some dare not vote otherwise. A widow, after receiving money and hamper were told, "We know where you are staying, so you better vote for BN." Very candidly straightforward. Widow is worried that they may take away her pension. To her it is real.

Why are we getting all these replies. Is Pakatan Rakyat doing enough to woo this precious 20% Indian voters

On our part, we have no choice but to remind our Indian brothers and sisters who seem to have been distracted by the sudden caring frenzy of Barisan Nasional - hampers, money, saris (cheap or otherwise) and tepung for depavali cookies. Let us revisit these:

and dont forget this

would he be proud of you

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