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Friday 4 September 2009

Selangor, Altantuya, Submarines

by Nathaniel Tan

Things seem to be happening around me in something of a flurry right now, so begging your pardon if jelas is not so jelas for a while.

pre-script: I’ve recently been worried about Selangor. Since Pakatan has not been making much noise, I shall for now defer to their wisdom, and hope that there is no actual cause for concern. That said, I think it is good for us to reminder that Perak happened to us blitzkrieg style - if there is a takeover, it will happen in hours, not days. Thus, every warning sign should be taken with extreme seriousness, no matter how small (there are rumours of a list as well). I’ll leave it at that for now, but hope to goodness that Pakatan leaders are not making any mistakes they should be good at avoiding after Perak.

Anyway, as I am somewhat unable to sort out the loud noise flying around today just yet (maybe later), let me just comment on the arrival of Malaysia’s first submarine.

I’ll be honest, submarines fascinate me immensely. I love submarine movies, and I’ve just finished reading Jingo (and been meditating on Pratchett’s considerable wisdom).

That said, I’m not going to let my little boy fascination detract from the many reminders that arrive with this vessel.

Many feel that the submarine is as good as haunted, blood coursing through its fuel lines.

I won’t pretend to know for sure who is ultimately responsible for the death of Altantuya, but I do strongly suspect that if not for this submarine, she might be alive today.

Can any military implement justify murder?

I am reminded as well of the inconceivably huge amount of money associated with the purchase of this submarine - RM 530 million commission to Abdul Razak Baginda’s Perimekar.

That’s a financial scandal on the scale of PKFZ, or any other seen in our dark and corrupt land. >:(

Let’s take a moment to remember the deceased, and mourn the robbery all Malaysians had to endure.

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