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Wednesday 16 September 2009

No Birth Certificate & IC, Indian girl disallowed into school & can’t sit for SPM

Statement (No 19) by P. Uthayakumar to the Government of Malaysia for which we expect a reply:

Juana an Indian girl was told to leave school and was also stopped from sitting for her SPM exams because the UMNO controlled Malaysia government deliberately and maliciously in pursuit of their racist and religious extremist policies refused to issue her her due Birth Certificate and Identity Card. The BC and IC should have been given to her as of right as per Article 14 of the Federal Constitution- Citizenship by operation of law, the following persons are citizens by operation of law :- for every person born on or after Malaysia Day. Juana’s parents Gabriel Johnson,55 & Mariah Nathan,50 (The Star 15/09/09 at page N20) were denied their BC and IC. And now Juana face the same problem. And so will Juana’s children and most likely even her generations to come. After an appeal by an NGO Juana has been allowed to sit for her SPM exams but only as an exception. The Indians are now expected to be grateful to UMNO for this. And The Star newsreport like almost all other UMNO controlled print and electronic media gives the impression that all her problems all and all the problems of the Indians have been solved. Juana will next not be allowed to sit her STPM enter a public University or get a study loan or scholarship. Juana’s is not an isolated case. This is only the tip of the iceberg. 150,000 other Indians cannot open a bank account, cannot buy a motorcycle, car or cannot even get married legally because they have unlawfully and unconstitutionally been denied their B.C and I.C. PAS, PKR & DAP does not care either for these working class Indians as they are merely Indians with no political power or economic clout. The Indian Political empowerment strategy is the only way forward.


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