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Sunday 20 September 2009

MCA CC Overturns Decision To Sack Dr Chua

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 19 (Bernama) -- The MCA central committee (CC), the party's top decision-making body, on Saturday overruled an earlier decision by the Presidential Council (PC) to sack former deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

Instead, following a seven-hour meeting, the CC lifted the council's decision to sack Dr Chua -- although the former health minister did not appeal -- and only handed him a four-year suspension from the party post, as well as party membership, with immediate effect.

"The CC collectively resolves to suspend Dr Chua for four years, with effect from today, and that his party post is also suspended.

"The CC, being the body conferred with the powers of the General Assembly, is a platform for its members to express their independent views and opinions and make the appropriate considered decision," party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat told reporters here.

Ong said, in dealing with any disciplinary action, whether or not there was an appeal, the CC had the power to review the PC's decision and make a final decision on the matter, pursuant to the party constitution.

Ong explained that this was not the first time the CC had overturned a PC decision as in the past, there were precedents where the committee had overturned the council's decision.

Asked for the reason why the decision (by the council) was overruled, Ong would only say: "Both the PC and CC will always provide good platform to deliberate any disciplinary case."

Asked whether there was a chance that the five agendas would be included for the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) scheduled for Oct 10, Ong replied that the agenda would remain intact.

One of the five agendas for the EGM is to reinstate Dr Chua as party deputy president and party member.

"The motion will not be redundant. It will still be relevant as we still need to go for due deligence," said Ong.

Meanwhile, one of Dr Chua's supporters and requisitionists for the EGM, Loh Seng Kok, said it was not appropriate for the CC to review the sacking decision anymore, as Dr Chua had submitted to the EGM to decide on his fate in the party.

"The decision to review Dr Chua's sacking by replacing it with suspension, is meant to stop him from contesting in the next party election. It's meant to get sympathy for Ong," he said, when contacted.

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