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Saturday 12 September 2009

BN must deliver its promises, says Samy Vellu - Malaysiakini

MIC president S Samy Vellu said BN must deliver on its promises collectively as one coalition, and not individually as component parties in a veiled reference to the lack of support from Umno.

He said the people regarded the BN as "one" and not as separate entities.

"The people only see us as BN and the 1Malaysia government. So let us partner to prosper the people," he said in his address at the opening of the 63rd MIC General Assembly here.

The two-day assembly was opened by Prime Minister Najib Razak. Also present was Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

Samy Vellu said the MIC could not deliver the expectations of the Indian community individually as it needed the government's intervention.

Although Samy Vellu was not referring to any particular situation, the MIC had in recent times, especially after the BN's poor showing in last year's general election, was blamed for not doing much for the Indians.

The MIC chief had in the past mentioned that the MIC could only recommend action plans for the Indians but it needed the government's intervention to implement them.

However, Samy Vellu said since Najib became the prime minister some five months ago, he had put in place a proper mechanism for the implementation of programmes for the Indian community.

"There is now greater confidence towards the BN," he said, adding that many decisions were being made through the Cabinet Committee for Indians.

Indians' plight must be addressed

He also said that the MIC had proposed that a Scheduled Investment Trust Fund be established by the government for the Indian community to achieve the three per cent equity target by 2020.

"The current equity position of the Malaysian Indians is only 1.1 percent. We need to increase this by another 1.9 per cent to achieve the three percent target by 2020," he said.

He also proposed that the intake of Indians into the civil service be expedited to achieve the 7.4 per cent quota for Indians set by the government.

"We also would like to seek the assistance of the government to instruct government-linked companies to provide adequate employment opportunities for Indians. We are also aware that many Indians are employed on contract basis; hence, we urge the government to ensure they are absorbed as permanent staff," he said.

He said the party also wanted the government to expedite the conversion of partially-aided Tamil schools into fully-aided schools.

Samy Vellu said it was also important to accelerate national unity initiatives as proposed under the 1Malaysia concept.

"We propose that every ministry and government agency should develop and incorporate a National Unity KPI which must be implemented and measured in a timely manner right up to the district level. Allocation of KPI weightage up to 30 per cent must be encouraged for national unity," he added.

MIC will be holding balloting for its party polls - considered as the most tense and most watched in the 63-year history - after the opening ceremony.

Results will be known at about 6pm today.

- Bernama

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