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Thursday 17 September 2009

916: Penang for Penans - Jeff Ooi

The Penang State Government observed Malaysia Day today with a contribution of RM30,000 to help seek justice for the Penan teenage girls raped by loggers in the interiors of Sarawak.

The contribution was pledged by the Penang Chief Minister during a special congregation of civil servants at the Dome, Komtar, this morning.

Among the observers were Kota Sentosa state assemblyman and MP for Bandar Kuching, YB Chong Chien Jen (DAP) and state assemblyman for Ngemah, YB Gabriel Adit (PKR). Pakatan Rakyat YBs from Sabah could not make it to Penang but did send their regards.

The highlight of the event was a 50-minute theatre performance scripted by Kedah-born Dinsman in conjunction with the fasting month of Ramadhan, titled: Menunggu Kata Dari Tuhan.

The play is based on a lengthy hadis of Riwayat Bukhari & Muslim, depicting the inner struggle of Nabi Muhammad's senior aide, Ka'ab bin Malik, who had refused to follow the Prophet to the Battle of Tabuk.

I reproduced the text of the speech delivered by Guan Eng at the event.

MERDEKA and A Happy Malaysia Day to all of you!

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