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Saturday 29 August 2009

Unpublished Media Statement on Kg Buah Pala

This Q & A is based on media statement made by YB Lim Guan Eng and unreported media statement by the Villagers
on Kg Buah Pala Land Scandal

These YB Lim Guan Eng Statements can be verified and validated by way of newspaper reporting and the Village Statement can be verified by contacting Mr.Sugumaran/ Selvaraju/ Thamaraj at the Village.

It is very unfortunate that some main media chose to edit indiscriminately the truth.

Please pass on this email if you wish to help the oppresed by the Government.

Question 1
Reporter : Why did Pakatan Govt issued the Title for the Village Land on 27/3/2008 ?

YB Lim Guan Eng: It was merely admistrative process and it was approved by BN Govt previously.

Villagers : It is true that BN tried to steal Our Land .
That is the reason We campaigned and supported DAP to win in Election in 2008
We believed and trusted in DAP YBs promise to save Our Land from Land Scam.
We campaigned with Our Heart & Soul to ensure DAP victory and that DAP will save Our Land!!
Question 2

Reporter : Did Pakatan YBs made promises to the Village to save the Land during election??

YB Lim Guan Eng : I did not make any promises to anybody !! Maybe some other YBs did.. but not me!!

Villagers : YB Anwar , YB Karpal, YB Ramasamy.... all these people knew about our village land scam
and they promised to save Our Land from Land Scam if they formed the State Government.
We have video recordings of their promises!!

Question 3

Reporter : Couldnt the Pakatan Govt save the land from Land Scam??

YB Lim Guan Eng : We couldnt... The BN Govt is the Land Robber... ( declassified the BN EXCO minutes to prove!!)

Villagers : BN EXCO last approval on 25/4/07 should have lapsed and expired in 3 about 25/8/07!!
S.81 National Land Code
Further BN had preconditions that the interest and welfare of the villagers to be addressed first before
issuance of the title.
BN reduced the premium from RM6.4m to RM 3.2m because the compensation payable by the Developer
to the Villagers.
BN never issued the Title to the Developer because we never accepted any settlement for Our Land
during BN times!!

When Lim Guan Eng Govt came to power.. they had clean piece of paper to give us Our Land.
It was Lim Guan Eng Govt who accepted the premium of RM 2.24 m from the Developer on 14/3/2008.
It was Lim Guan Eng Govt who issued the Land Title on 27/3/2008 without addresing our interest!
The Developer wouldnt have paid the premium of RM2.24m without fresh approval from Government!!

YB Lim Guan Eng should declassify all EXCO minutes including DAP EXCO minutes and document
on Our Land!!

Question 4

Reporter : Couldnt Pakatan Govt acquire the Land or try to save the Land???

YB Lim Guan Eng: It wil cost the Govt RM 150m to acquire the Land.. I should think about 1.5m penang people
and not about or 24 houses in the village!

Villagers : Mr Derrick Fernandez ( Selangor Pakatan Legal Advisor ) have recommended that Penang Pakatan
Government can acquire back & save the Land and need only refund RM3.2m to the Developer
in view of the " Restriction of Interest" as at 27/3/2008 on the Land Title and the statement by
YB Lim Guan Eng that Pakatan Govt had never approve anything in respect of the Land for

Since there is restriction on the land as at 27/3/2008 and Lim Guan Eng Govt did not approve
anything... what is stopping Lim Guan Eng Govt from saving the Land worth RM 150m???

Question 5

Reporter : Why dont the State Government consider Mr.Derrick Fernandez proposal to the State ?

YB Lim Guan Eng : There isnt any precedent to support Mr. Derrick proposal.

Villagers : Wouldnt anyone with a reasonable mind who have lost the land worth rm150m
would try to save land especially when distinguished lawyer like Mr.Derrick
strongly recommends the acquisition and to offer refund only the Developer.
Mr.Derrick Legal Opinion have yet to be challenged by anyone!!!!

Perhaps YB Lim Guan Eng have other arrangement with the Developer???

Question 6

Reporter : Why dont You allow lawyers to represent the Villagers in any negotiation with the State?

YB Lim Guan Eng: I dont want outsiders to influence the villagers.

Villagers : We trusted all the DAP lawyers.. Karpal Singh.. Rayer... look where are we now???
We need independent lawyers to advise and intepret on whatever proposal by the State.
We dont want to end up with " Empty Promises" again
We are open to negotiate with the State on how to save the land or alternate housing.

Question 7

Reporter : What is the state proposal to the Villagers??

YB Lim Guan Eng : We will offer them RM200,000.00

Villagers : Firstly it is sham offer... Lim Guan Eng claimed that he will try to claim RM 200,000 from the
Federal Government for us and he wants us to fight along with him against the Federal Govt!!

Secondly We are not interested in any financial offers... We are losing our homes and land!!!
The State Government have not filed any documents in Court to save the Land!!
We want the State Government to honour their election promises to us.

Question 8

Reporter : The Villagers refused Your offer.. what is the next course of action?

YB Lim Guan Eng: The Villagers are being unreasonable .. they are being influenced by Hindraf & MIC.
They are squatters and they should be reasonable.

Villagers : We are poor villagers .. We only want to save our homes... We appreciate any help
from anyone in our cause to save our homes let it be Hindraf, MIC, Jerit, PSN,
Obviously Pakatan is not interested to help us!!!

We are not squatters. Our Land was held under British Title Lot 698 Crown Trust.
It was Lim Guan Eng Govt who caused the Court to declare us squatters because it was
Lim Guan Eng Govt who issued the Malaysian Title to the Developer on 27/3/2008
without addressing Our interest on the Land

BN never replaced Our Land Title nor issued any title to any Developer in their 30 years in Power
in Penang even though 3 other Developers have tried since 1970s because none of developer was able
persuade us to accept the compensation to settle our interest on the Land held under Lot 698 Crown

Lim Guan Eng Govt owes a duty to explain to the People of Penang on how Our Land held under
Lot 698 Crown Trust being replaced by Malaysian Title PT 59 to the Developer on the 27/3/2008!!!

Question 9 ( after meeting villager without their lawyers)

Reporter : What is the State Proposal to the Villagers?

YB Lim Guan Eng: Villager are going to get a Double Storey House worth RM 500k .

Villager : It is another sham offer because the offer by the Developer is only stated in 1 1/2 piece paper
without any certainty of terms. duration or guarantee by the State. The Developer stated
will not guarantee anything in the " so called" offer letter !!!

We are being forced to sign the UNFAIR Offer within 24hours with threat of demolition of Our houses
in the event we do not sign the offer and vacate peacefully!!! This is a BLACKMAIL!!!

All We wanted was the State Government to guarantee the offer and ensure the houses to be built for us.

What can we do if the Developer does not build the houses upon completion of the Oasis Project
after 3 years?
What if the Developer become Bankrupt??
What is our houses are located next to sewage plant??
What if Our houses are made of planks n zinc??

Question 10

Reporter : What is your opinion that the Villager rejected Your offer??

YB Lim Guan Eng : Most accepted the offer . But some of them are unreasonable and greedy!!!
Some want RM 3.2 m each!!!

Villagers : Some villagers signed the sham offer out of fear because of the bulldozers demolishing their homes.

Principaly the Villagers agreeable to accept the house offers but want the state government to guarantee
the Agreement and fine tune the Agreement with definite certain terms and specification and duration.

YB Lim Guan Eng is only interested to paint us as Black Sheep in the media to justify his ignorance towards
Our plight and suffering.

The State should accept our alternative proposal to relocate us to adjecent piece of 2acre Land
to resettle Our Village and to maintain the cultural and heritage value of the Village.

Question 11

Reporter : Have you considered the alternative proposal by the Villagers??

YB Lim Guan Eng : Giving Double Storey House is already dangerous precedent for squatters.
There is no precedence by BN Govt to relocate the village at alternative land.

Villagers : We were not squatters until the Lim Guan Eng Govt made us to be in Court of Law!!!

We have been compromising to resolve the stalement and yet Lim Guan Eng is only interested
to play up media to portray us as unreasonable and greedy.

We believed that We change the Government to ensure that people are better represented and
the corrupted ways of BN will finaly come to end.

It is sad that Lim Guan Eng Govt wants to follow BN corrupted precedence and to deny us the adjecent
2 acre state land to resettle our village inspite it caused Our Land to be robbed by the Developer!!

We wonder what have happen to DAP Slogan " Let Change It"!!!

Question 12

Reporter : What is your opinion that the Villagers are seeking help from Federal Government?

YB Lim Guan Eng : They are seeking help from those who robbed them.
We have tried our best and we shall not dwelve further to negotiate with the villagers.

Villagers : We are seeking help from anyone who wish to help us .... let it be Pakatan or BN..
We are about to homeless.. do we have any option to choose???
We are not stopping Pakatan or DAP YBs to come forward to help us and infact
We welcome Pakatan & DAP YBs since they are in power in Penang.

We dont understand the reason Pakatan & DAP YBs refused to come to Village and talk to us
... usualy whenever there is BN cruelty.. they will the first and jostling each other in front of
the camera to help the weak and the oppressed!!!

We are not politicians... We are just poor farmers who want to save our homes..
We are not expert in media stunts and propaganda!!!

We have been compromising and willing to negotiate for amicable settlement. Our Village is open
to anyone who wish to help us.

Lim Guan Eng Govt is government appointed by the people to serve the people.
300 penangnites about to be made homeless !!!
Perhaps the glitteries of CM office have disillusioned Lim Guan Eng of his responsibilities to the people!!!


Presently the Glugor Division UMNO have voluntered to mediate between the Villagers and the Developer to reach an amicable settlement.

The Cooperative have in principle agreed to allocate 1.5 acre land for the State Government to acquire at a nominal
price to build houses for the villagers with the compensation payment from Nusmetro.

This Cooperative offer have been conveyed to the State Government and the Villagers are waiting for reply from the
State Government on the offer from the Cooperative.

The Villagers welcome all to the village.


Suara Rakyat Penang

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