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Friday 21 August 2009

Kg.Buah Pala final request...

Dear brothers and sister, I ve been updating news from Kg.Buah Pala for the past last one week.. since 12thAug2009 I ve been updating on each and every progress in the process of upholding Justice!, please understand that this is the truth, no one that we have depended for so long has helped the villagers! Non of them are coming all out for this poor, helpless families. No promises to give the villagers the 2storey houses as stated in all the media, I have uploaded the agreement and documents pertaining to this issue. Trust me friends, they are suffering and not as what you all are thinking, the value of RM200.000, RM500.000 is a story merely and nothing reality here. No one is giving anything concrete to the Villagers! This villages are really pressured, cheated and bullied by everyone around them, including the State Government and the developers! Neither of them came here to help the villagers sincerely. Sorry if some of my articles really put some of you down, it was out of anger that there are no help for this pitiful beings here, money is not everything in life, human values and happiness are the core of a life! Please pray hard for the souls that will attend the Federal Court hearing tommorow (21st Aug) hope the villagers will get what they deserve and justice uphold! MAy God Bless the Village and its beautiful people who were so kind to me throughout my stay here in Kg.Buah Pala, I love Kg.Buah Pala and wish the village that I m loving now will be here for another 100 generation to come. Thank you Buah Pala villagers! Thank you for your unity and for your effort to uphold Justice and Thank You for this clean and beautiful village that preserve its nature since the last 200 years! Love you Buah Pala ! God will save you no matter what! Justice and truthfulness will always wins!

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