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Friday 14 August 2009

Chronology of Buah Pala Land scam - Tamil

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well the people do not own the land and there is not evidence at all and all we have is emotion. Well by paying the tol they have lost the right to the land way back in the 50's and for the next 50 years they were not bothered in legalising it. So definately the villagers do not have any locus standi.

Ok as for the Sate to interfere and go to court, do were think the PR government stands any chance to win in the present judicial climate? If they win against the odd then its fine but if they lost will this ex reject and the snakes brothers from Hindraf stand gurantor to pay the law suit money to any ammount it maybe?

I do not agree with this racist as for LGE will do differently if it were chinese coz he lost many years of his life for fighting for a malay girl.

Then the MACC we all know how they work, for a RM2000 they will raid the PR reps office but they will not even lift their finger againt BN for multi billion ringgit outright curruption. I am sure LGE have done his culculation. In this case we have to move using our head not through emotion. The only people who are to be fault is the villagers forfathers who never made the attempt to legalise it.

Anyway LGE did negotiate a good deal for the villagers and they blew it up by listening to the community snakes.

I just like to ask the ex reject if you have a team of lawyers who is of the opinion can make a diference where are they and why not they appeal again????

The main question is do the PR government stand a chance to win in the Malaysian courts, only if the can which any right minded lawyer will outrightly say no then why is this guy doing intelectual mastubation.