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Friday 5 June 2009

Samy Vellu To Announce His Stand On MIC Election Candidates Soon

KUALA LUMPUR, June 4 (Bernama) -- MIC President Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said Thursday he would soon announce whether he would endorse any candidate or otherwise for the Sept 12 party elections.

"I have already made up my mind and will let you all know soon," he told reporters before opening a student leadership convention at Universiti Malaya, here.

Samy Vellu said he had given the matter serious thought and felt that as the president of the party, he should make his stand known to the MIC delegates and members.

"Earlier I thought all the aspiring candidates could sit down and discuss as to who should contest which post, but it looks like everyone is making their announcement about which post they want to contest," he said.

The MIC president said he could not stop anyone from contesting as it was a democratic process but stressed that he would have to let the delegates who would be voting in the party elections to know his stand.

"Everyone is free to contest but I too will make known my stand," he said without mentioning when he would do so.

Samy Vellu had said previously that he would not endorse anyone for any post but would rather allow a "free-for-all" contest. However, he had stressed that he could not predict what his stand would be in the future.

The Sept 12 elections would see a contest for the post of deputy president, three posts of vice-president and 23 posts of Central Working Committee (CWC) member.

Former deputy president Datuk S. Subramaniam and current vice-president Datuk S. Sothinathan have already announced their intention to contest the post of deputy president while incumbent Datuk G. Palanivel has yet to announce his stand.

Another likely contender for the post is Human Resources Minister and party secretary-general Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam.

Party insiders said Samy Vellu would prefer a straight fight for the Number 2 post to ensure that the party remained united. They felt that Samy Vellu was worried that should there be a three- or four-cornered fight, it would break up the party as there would be three or four factions.

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