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Sunday 14 June 2009

Bong who?


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Or how Sri Aman in Sarawak got its name…

It’s now Anwar Ibrahim’s turn to call on the government to allow the former Communist Party of Malaya leader, Chin Peng, to return home.

In the raging controversy over whether Chin Peng should be allowed to return home, few in the peninsula are aware of the peace treaty signed in 1973 in Simanggang, Sarawak between the then state chief minister, Abdul Rahman Yaakub, and Bong Kee Chok, the director and commissar of Partai Rakyat Kalimantan Utara (Paraku), which was linked to Tentara Nasional Kalimantan Utara (TNKU) and the Sarawak Communist Organisation (SCO). That led to several hundred communists laying down their arms and subsequently returning to society.

To commemorate the occasion, Simanggang was renamed Sri Aman.

Bong today is reportedly a successful businessman.

Check out the full story in a Borneo Post report here.

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