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Thursday 21 May 2009

What is UMNO up to now with Thanenthiran ?

What is UMNO up to now with Thanenthiran ?

Games must be stopped and the reality faced.

History is filled with stories of betrayal of people’s movements for petty profit. We have one happening right under our noses. However even more significant is the story of the invisible hand behind this betrayal.

Thanenthiran even while in Hindraf was trying all his best to get an appointment for some political position right from after the elections till his final days with Hindraf. He failed. He tried to get nominated as the PR candidate for Bukit Selambau and failed there too. He dragged the whole Hindraf movement along in that petty direction in the mean time. The rest of the democratic and progressive elements within Hindraf were pulled along because he kept threatening to drop his mantle and run off, every time a meaningful return to the struggle against injustice was brought up.

Then on the other side UMNO had totally lost support from the Indian citizens in this country and needed very badly to regain that support if they were going to maintain their hold on power. From their standpoint MIC was history on all these counts – MIC could not play their Mandore role effectively any more. UMNO needed a new Mandore.

Does it take much more to imagine what happens next – UMNO with its ultra short sight sees a strategic fit. Approves Thanenthiran's new party at lightning speed and voila what do you have - another mirage of the Indians flocking back to UMNO - 300,000 of them mind you!. A party with grassroots Indian support back in the folds of UMNO. Good work Najib, old boy!

Keep dreaming. What UMNO has got is yet another Mandore and yet another MIC. And one more act to play out more treachery against the Indian people. .Just you wait and see the verdict of the people - petty histrionics do not make them move beyond some initial worry.

History is as much about progress as it is about telling the story of that progress. Progressive forces can be slowed down but never stopped. So, UMNO keep this clear in mind, either you align with the progressive forces of history or face the possibility of being relegated to the dustbin of that history along with all your so-called partners.

It is time that games be stopped and the reality faced.

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