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Sunday 17 May 2009

Hill-cutting scars Pulau Jerejak - Anil netto


Pulau Jerejak is not spared the ravages of “development” - Photos by Max


An excavator, a dumptruck, two fuel tanks and a stack of waterpipes

Wonder what they are doing here at Pulau Jerejak. Much of the island is supposed to be a state park, which could be a haven for Penangites wanting to escape from the hustle and bustle of city-life.

Wouldn’t it have been great to have a relatively untouched natural sanctuary so close to Penang Island?

But the PBA is constructing a 45 million-litre reservoir in Pulau Jerejak for the Bayan Lepas industrial area. Is that the construction work in the picture?

What a pity that we have to cut and chop yet another hill and trample on another green lung, especially in this era of global warming.

Why aren’t we looking into rainwater harvesting?

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