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Tuesday 5 May 2009

Contesting Penanti? Muhyiddin: “Er.. Uh.. dunno…”

Sorry, been a little out of it of late, esp on the blogging front. A bit in a rut.

So, today:

Umno’s stand on the upcoming Penanti by-election continues to remain a mystery with Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin also refusing to shed any light.

Firstly, he said the party’s political bureau which met this afternoon did not discuss the matter contrary to reports earlier that Penanti will be the top agenda.

“We did not discuss about that and there’s no decision made,” he said. And when asked what was discussed, he replied: “Why should we tell you?”

When pressed by journalists on whether the party will contest, the deputy premier merely shook his head without elaborating on whether it meant ‘no comments’ or ‘no contest’


Far be it from us to throw the first stone, but this shows a bit more disunity within Umno than I would’ve expected so soon into Najib’s premiership.

Whatever his stance, if Najib was really strong, he should be able to steamroll his decision through. Time is a tickin’ y’know, nomination ain’t that far off. How is he going to avoid being seen as TDM’s whipping boy at this rate?

As for Muhyiddin, all this snappy “Err.. Uh… Why should we tell you?” defensive, undiplomatic nonsense suggests disarray from no less than the country’s Number 2 is not exactly confidence inspiring.

And did not discuss it? That means either they’re daft (to ignore such a thing), whipped (for not daring to bring it up) or they’re lying.

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