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Friday 17 April 2009

One Malaysia: Screenshots on Associated Press

By Jeff Ooi

PM Najib Razak's campaign to promote racial harmony through One Malaysia received a jolt after Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia urged the Malay majority to "rise and unite" against demands by ethnic minorities, Associated Press reported yesterday.

The story was picked up by e-Taiwan in which this blogger was quoted:

Jeff Ooi, an ethnic Chinese opposition member of Parliament, wrote on his popular blog Wednesday that Utusan Malaysia's article illustrated how Najib's "One Malaysia" slogan "is indeed different things to different people until Najib can define it properly."

Subsequently, Najib had to meet senior editors last night and Utusan was forced to run a damage control story today.

But again, after two weeks in office, what really is Najib's One Malaysia? Another Malaysia Boleh?

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