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Thursday 16 April 2009

One Malaysia... Different things to different people... ( 3 )

By Jeff Ooi

"Other races are (claiming for) too much, Malays (Umno and PAS) must unite and uprise!"

So screamed Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia on its frontpage lead today, driving racial division to a new height.


In contrast, in the same paper on the same day, Najib says he aspires to be the Prime Minister for all communities. (Yes, I remember Abdullah Badawi who once said the same thing!)

What does One Malaysia really mean? One Umno(putra), then only One Malaysia?

On the freudian tendency of Malaysian politicians -- both from Barisan Nasional (BN) and the opposition and all and sundry -- who say different things to different audiences, Leslie Lau of Malaysian Insider says: (Tak payah cerita), Kami pun faham Bahasa Melayu.

It seems accentuated by now that One Malaysia is indeed different things to different people until Najib can define it properly.

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