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Tuesday 28 April 2009

Najib urges Umno to champion all Malaysians

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani- The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, April 27 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said tonight that Umno must be inclusive and not just champion Malays, but all Malaysians.

Najib told an Umno Cheras dinner that the party must open up to all levels in society. He said Umno must not reject the old and the young, the working class and intellects.

“We dont not want Umno to be anti-intellect, anti-new ideas. Umno must lead the bridge of change and reform. This is the secret that Umno must accept,” he said.

Najib explained that Umno must return to its original philosophy of being a party for the people and only through this can the party be strong.

“We cannot ignore them because they challenge us. Umno has become weak because we are afraid of the intellectuals. We must give space to all so that Umno will become a party that will be loved by everybody,” he added.

Najib stressed that Umno being inclusive represented the core principle of One Malaysia.

“One Malaysia is when we not only champion for Malays but also champion for all Malaysians,” he said.

“I have asked Tun Dr Mahathir to return to Umno and I regard this as an example of a party that is inclusive, to invite national heroes, and also normal people.”

“What has been experienced recently by Umno in the by-election has made us realise that we must bring change and reform so that we can win the confidence and support of the people back to Umno,” he elaborated.

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