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Wednesday 22 April 2009

Hindraf picks opposition MPs as advisors

Two opposition parliamentarians have been appointed by Hindraf chairperson P Waythamoorthy to act as advisors for the movement.

The duo - M Manogaran (DAP-Teluk Intan) and S Manikavasagam (PKR-Kapar) - have been informed of their appointments and have accepted their new role for the Hindu rights movement.

man-tortured-at-brickfields-police-station-311208-s-manikavasagamThe two politicians were among the 10 coordinators dropped by Waythamoorthy last week as part of a revamp in the movement's leadership structure.

However his decision to suspend the coordinators was met with protest among the movement's grassroots supporters, including the supporters of these two members of parliament.

Waythamoorthy's decision to absorb Manogaran and Manikavasagam (left) now is seen as an attempt by him to pacify the angry supporters and to ensure the movement is not handicapped by a lack of leadership.

Waythamoorthy is heading the movement, banned by the government last October, form London since November 2007. He was assisted by a team of local coordinators.

However he dropped them all on April 17 and replaced them with a three-man interim committee.

Among those dropped from the line-up included the movement's top coordinator RS Thanenthiran who had been helming the group locally in Waythamoorthy's absence.

It is not certain if Thanenthiran would be absorbed back into the newly established Hindraf leadership.

Hindraf not forming political party

Waythamoorthy today told Malaysiakini that the new team of leadership would be made up of new faces.

He also said that these local leaders will no longer be referred as coordinators.

"The new restructured team would consist of advisors and directors for various fields," he said.

Among the new positions to be filled by the new appointees would be the human rights director, economic, social and political rights director, public relations director, and finance director.

p waythamoorthyWaythamoorthy would remain the movement's chairperson.

He also said that any former coordinators and other Hindraf leaders who were interested in forming a political party would be advised to temporarily detach themselves from Hindraf.

"This is to protect Hindraf from allegations that it is converting into a political party.

"However we will accept them as ‘political friends' within Hindraf just like how we have accepted Manogaran and Manikavasagam," he said.

Thanenthiran is learnt to be harbouring hopes to form and lead a political party under the Hindraf aegis.

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