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Monday 13 April 2009

Don't Abuse Media Freedom, Says Awang Tengah

KUCHING, April 12 (Bernama) -- Local journalists are reminded not to abuse media freedom as a 'destructive weapon' because it can jeopardise political stability and destroy social unity and the national economy.

Resource Planning and Management Minister II Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hassan said the press was among the most important institution in forming public opinion but a small section of the media or bloggers had ignored ethics and the law.

"We should not allow internet users, including bloggers, to use this avenue to slander, incite and criticise others, including political and government leaders arbitrarily," he said at the Kuching Division Journalists Association (KDJA) installation night, here tonight.

The text of his speech was read by Assistant Minister of Infrastructure Development and Communications Bolhassan Di.

He said members of the press must be wary of the antics of these groups who were abusing media freedom to confuse the people with their slanders.

As the position and role of the traditional media was being threatened by the new or alternative media, Awang Tengah said the task and responsibilities of the journalists in playing the 'check and balance' role was becoming more challenging.

Meanwhile, Bolhassan said his ministry would look into KDJA's request for the provision of safety gear for media members when covering the forthcoming state election in view of Sarawak's rugged terrain.

Newly installed KDJA president Alice Wee said the concluded Batang Ai state by-election had showed that the safety of journalists covering similar future assignments should be taken into account.

"These journalists risked their lives in order to keep us informed. They travelled on bumpy roads, their four-wheel-dirve got stuck in the mud, not only they rode along small gentle streams but also on fierce swelling rivers, they cruise the Batang Ai hydro lake in small perahus and many times, they were not wearing any life jackets," she said.

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