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Monday 6 April 2009

Batang Ai: BN does not practise discrimination?

The BN claims it does not practise discrimination in dishing out projects. Oh yeah? Read these news snippets and form your own conclusions.

BN does not practise discrimination: Masing

Borneo Post, April 1, 2009

Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) president Dato Sri Dr James Masing said the Barisan Nasional (BN) does not practise ‘pilih kasih’ (favouritism) when it comes to disbursing funds for projects or allocating projects.

NCR land devt aimed at helping owners

Borneo Post, April 3, 2009

…On the by-election, Gramong said it was very important for the voters to make the right choice. He said the BN government, since 1963, had been faithfully dishing out development projects like schools, health centres, hospitals, roads, water and power supplies not only to towns but also rural areas. He said a lot could be achieved if they voted for the BN.

“Vote the opposition and you will be in the political wilderness. Your representative will be sitting with the other opposition members, shouting to have their voices heard. They will be blaming and criticising others for their own shortcomings and failures,” he said.

Muhyiddin announced an allocation of over RM1 billion for the development of basic amenities and infrastructure in Sabah and Sarawak.

Borneo Post, April 5th, 2009

Muhyiddin said from his meetings with community leaders and headmen in Batang Ai, he felt confident that the people supported the BN and its aspiration to develop Batang Ai through a new elected representative. He said the prevailing issues in Batang Ai were basic necessities like roads and other infrastructure, which only the BN could provide.

“If the people support the PKR candidate, they will not get anything because they do not have the ability to deliver and furthermore, it is not an indigenous party in Sarawak and I feel that the people really want a BN representative there.”

And from what he had gathered yesterday, he believed that Mussen, though a greenhorn, had an “excellent” chance of winning.

BN needs strong convincing margin to develop Btg Ai, says Taib
By Churchill Edward, Borneo Post, April 6, 2009

LUBOK ANTU: Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud yesterday called on the Batang Ai electorate to ensure Barisan Nasional’s (BN) victory with a wider margin when they cast their votes tomorrow.

The Sarawak BN chairman said that if the coalition won but did not have a strong mandate in Batang Ai, the constituency could still experience a slow pace of development.

“A strong and convincing victory for BN is important for the people because we are working for the people and therefore we need their support,” he told reporters after the earth breaking ceremony for the new Giat Mara centre here.

Taib said anything less than a convincing margin could mean that some people would “be led in different ways”.

“Such people get agitated because they cannot achieve what they want and then this same old story (of slow development pace) repeats itself again,” he said.

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