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Saturday 4 April 2009

13 ISA freed, ban lifted on party organs

From:- Malaysiakini

In his first address to the nation as prime minister, Najib Abdul Razak said the government has freed 13 Internal Security Act (ISA) detainees and lifted the ban on two opposition publications.


najib tun razak"I would like to announce that the government has decided with immediate effect to remove the temporary ban on two news publications, release 13 detainees from ISA detention, and conduct a comprehensive review of the Internal Security Act," he said in his first act after taking office today.

"These decisions are timely as we move to enhance the confidence of our citizens in those entrusted with maintaining peace, law and order," he said.

In his eight-minute speech which was telecast live by RTM 1, the new premier also pledged to "provide strong leadership" to lift the country out of the economic crisis.

Immediately after Najib's address, Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar announced the names of the 13 ISA detainees to be freed.

hindraf isa detainees 290808They include two of the Hindraf 5 - V Ganabatirau and R Kenghadharan - both of whom have been incarcerated for 15 months.

The others released are eight members of the Darul Islam movement and three foreigners.

The Home Ministry, as of December last year, said it was holding 46 people under the ISA, the majority of whom belong to militant groups like the Jemaah Islamiah and the Darul Islam movement.

Ban lifted on Suara Keadilan, Harakah

Najib did not mention the names of the two publications which had the ban on them lifted, but it was clear he was referring to PKR's Suara Keadilan and PAS' Harakah.

The two party organs were slapped with a three-month suspension by the Home Ministry last week for breaching their permit regulations.

Najib was sworn in as the country's sixth prime minister this morning and has vowed to initiate reforms.

In an immediate reaction, MIC president S Samy Vellu welcomed the released of the two Hindraf men.

"We thank the government and PM Najib for releasing two ISA detainees associated with the banned Hindraf movement. I hope that they will release the rest of them quickly as it will make the Indian community happy."

Immediate reactions

Ganendra Manoharan, son of ISA detainee/Hindraf lawyer M Manoharan

Firstly I congratulate the prime minister over his appointment.

Prime Minister, I am appealing to you, please forgive my father for whatever he has done knowingly or unknowingly.

I am only nine-years-old and I miss my father very deeply. I hope, pray and appeal you in good faith for his release immediately.

God will always be by your side in carrying out your duties as the new prime minister of the country. Please help!

Anwar Ibrahim, PKR leader

Every new prime minister will release ISA detainees when they first come to power but later they will use this draconian law to arrest people again.

We should not be cheated by this act.

Merely releasing the 13 is not enough. It is not a thorough reform. We want the Act to be abolished.

P Waythamoorthy, Hindraf chairperson

The release of 13 ISA detainees is nothing but a ploy to win the hearts of the people in the three by-elections.

Najib should display his seriousness in addressing the lack of democracy in Malaysia and not shortchange the people of their democratic needs.

He should immediately release all ISA detainees unconditionally and order the immediate closure of the Kamunting detention camp.

Without this act the Malaysians could not be fooled by Najib's antics of "democratic reforms".

(ISA detainee) Uthayakumar had always said that he doesn't mind being detained until the government closes down the Kamunting camp and previously conveyed through family members to me that "I should be the last man walking out of Kamunting".

Sallahuddin Ayob, PAS Youth chief

We welcome the decision to rescind the suspension of Harakah and Suara Keadilan. This is a good start in opening up the democratic space in this nation.

We now hope that he would, in the same spirit, allow us to publish our newspapers on a daily basis.

The release of the 13 is also a good start in thinking about abolishing the ISA. We have enough laws in the land to safeguard our peace and security.

Param Cumaraswamy, constitutional lawyer/ former UN special rapporteur

Najib's statement calling for the release of the 13 ISA detainees is similar to what Dr Mahathir Mohamad did when he came to power. He released 22 when he took his oath of office in1982. In 1987 he used ISA to detain 106 (under Operasi Lalang).

Dr Koh Tsu Koon, Gerakan president

We welcome the comprehensive review of the ISA as announced by the new prime minister today. It is a good start in reform by him.

He should now set up a Parliamentary Select Committee to go through the proposal of the review.

We also welcome the release of the 13 ISA detainees and the lifting of the ban on Suara Keadilan and Harakah.

S Samy Vellu, MIC president

We thank the government and the prime minister for releasing the two ISA detainees associated with the banned movement Hindraf. I hope the government will release the remaining three Hindraf detainees as well as it will make the Indian community happy.

MIC had earlier requested the government to release the detainees and we are happy that our request has been met.

Meanwhile, Gerakan president Dr Koh Tsu Koon has described the planned comprehensive review of ISA as "a good start".

He suggested a parliamentary select committee to be set up to go through proposals of the review.

Full text of Najib's speech

The following are names of those freed

1. Pakana Selama
2. Amir Hussain
3. Sundaraj Vijay
4. San Khaing
5. R.Kenghadharan
6. V.Ganabatirau
7. Wan Amin Wan Hamat
8. A Artas A Burhanuddin
9. Francis Indanan
10. Mohd Nazri Dollah
11. Mohd Arasad Patangari
12. Idris Lanama
13. Binsali Omar

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